Image Gallery

Street Fair

Meeting with Local Assemblyman Saladino

This trailer is used to help promote awareness of the Safe Haven Foundation

Talking with a family about my project

Meeting with my first two troops!

Girls using technology to do a virtual scavenger hunt on the Safe Haven site and this blog.

Girls performing skits to demonstrate what they have learned.
Asking the girls what makes them happy so that they have an idea for what to put into their binder sheets

Giving the girls ideas of what to draw for their quilt squares

Talking to the girls about Safe Haven and allowing the girls to ask questions
Quilt of Hope (number one of possibly 2 quilts!) finished!

Decorating cards for mothers at a local Safe House

Playing Concentration/Memory

The troop, me, and the basket with cards and donations behind them!

Me with all of the donations I have collected so far!  There are loads of diapers, toys, clothes, bath items, bottles, a bath tub, and a bunch of other very helpful items!  Thank you to those that have donated!

Me and Mr. Jaccard with the first Quilt of Hope!  There may be a second one to come!

1 comment:

  1. What a "terrific project" and FOCUS for a Gold Project. Who says a teen can't make a difference. Can't wait to see how the "Free Ride Taxi Service" for moms pre/post labor goes. Anything to prevent infanticide is a positive thing.
