Friday, January 24, 2014

Update 1-24-2014

I've visited another Girl Scout troop, this time, Daisies!  The troop was great and they seemed to really enjoy the crafts I had planned.  We started off with Bingo and we talked about some of the symbols on the board.  I then gave them cards that I had made (because of the age group, it was easier if I just made the cards and then they decorated them), and they had a lot of fun with that too.  After that, we played a few rounds of "Concentration"/"Memory", which was also a hit.  The next activity was the girls decorating the quilt squares for a potential second Quilt of Hope--it depends on how many more squares I get from the next few troops.  We ended with the girls putting their cards and items in a baby tub that the troop leaders were kind enough to donate with troop funds.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Hey everyone!  I finished my quilt, which can be seen below.  It took a lot of time as well as blood, sweat and tears (not really!), but it's done!  Of course, since I have three more troops to visit, I may end up making another, but I think it's worth it.  To me, the "Quilt of Hope" will be able to serve as a sense of inspiration to the mothers and mothers-to-be who stay at the Safe House because it shows that a bunch of young people support them and care.