First of all, Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Holidays to all of my viewers! Last Friday, I visited a Brownie Girl Scout troop and presented my project to them. I taught them about Safe Haven and how it "helps mommies who are in trouble" (Brownies are in elementary school so it had to be in simple terms) and played games with them. I worked on crafts with them, which included each girl making a Quilt Square and a Binder Sheet. The squares will be put into a "Quilt of Hope" which will be hung in a local Safe House to serve as a bit of inspiration and, well, hope to the mothers who stay there! The sheets are basically a scrapbook page that is full of things that the girls enjoy, what makes them happy, and various "positive words" and phrases. The purpose of this is to put this into one big binder that will be at the Safe House so that the mothers can look through it and have something to make them smile because these girls were able to find things that make them smile too.
I will keep you all updated with any new things!
Happy Holidays!