Friday, November 22, 2013

My first troop meeting

On 11/18, I met with my first troop (ended up being two!) and it went well!  We started with a round of Bingo and then discussed Safe Haven and basically what the foundation is and does.  So we did a few other activities, one of which was having the girls get into pairs and perform skits!  They allowed the other girls to demonstrate their knowledge and see what they could do if they ended up in the position of a woman who was pregnant and could not keep the baby.  I look forward to meeting with all of the future troops and that is it for now!

Scavenger Hunt on an iPad

Monday, November 11, 2013

I just finished a "Scavenger Hunt" that I will be doing with the Girl Scout troops that I will be visiting!  Give it a shot:

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Right now, I am working on a patch program that is going to begin to be piloted very soon!  This is exciting news because it will become possible for young people to learn about Safe Haven and the wonderful things that it can do.  My major goal with this is to raise awareness of the foundation because I want women to know that they DO have another option:  relinquishment.  If you are pregnant and cannot keep your baby but do not want people to be able to find out that you had a child, you can safely relinquish your child at a "Safe Place" where no questions will be asked.  To me, this is a fantastic thing because many young people do not know what options are out there for them and this truly does save many lives.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment below!