Saturday, May 17, 2014

Gold Award Ceremony

     I recently attended the ceremony for my area's Gold Award recipients.  I was one of the four girls in my town to receive this award and I am so proud of that.  Mr. Jaccard, the founder of Safe Haven, also informed me, as well as the entire auditorium, that one of the business cards that I had made saved a life.  I am so humbled by this and it has made me think of the impact that any one person can make if enough effort is put in.  I hope that you all decide to have a project towards a cause that you believe in because maybe you will be able to save a life as well.  For my project, I received the "Torch of Life" award for my work and the fact that a newborn was saved.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Final Troop Visit

So today, I visited my last Girl Scout troop and it was a pleasure.  I was nervous when the girls were quiet, but they were just really concentrated on what I was doing.  I feel like they really enjoyed my activities because they were age-appropriate.  This troop was a Brownie troop, so the activities were Bingo, creating a quilt square, playing "concentration"/"memory", and creating a scrapbook piece of paper full of things that make them feel good about themselves in the hope that it makes the mothers at the local Safe House happy to see.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Another Update

Hey everyone!  Last Friday, I visited a Daisy troop at my old elementary school and it was a weird experience being back there.  Regardless, the troop that I visited was a fantastic one, possibly even the best one I've visited!  They were so well-behaved, helpful, and answered all of my questions.  Regardless, it was a very enjoyable visit and I'm so glad to be able to educate all of these young children on Safe Haven and all that they do while implementing fun activities and crafts!  They all looked so excited when I brought out the Bingo boards.

I hope to soon finish my final paperwork for my project.  It's been a lot of work, but enjoyable as well.


Friday, February 21, 2014

What I've Been Up To Recently

Hi everyone!  I have visited three Girl Scout troops so far and have had success each time!

I have also created a brochure that will--hopefully--be put into clinics and doctors' offices to raise awareness as well.

I also put together all of the donations that I have collected for Safe Haven as well as the quilt and brought them over to a local Safe House today!  Mr. Jaccard (the founder) was very excited to see all of the donations that I have gotten.

I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has donated because your donations have been overwhelming and so kind and generous.  Thank you all!
In the bags are many packages of diapers, bottles, toys, games, stuffed animals, soap, shampoo, and much more!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Business Cards

        Hey guys! I recently made up business cards and JAMAR printing generously donated the mass-production of them to me!  I am so thankful for this.  I added the QR code that will link anyone who has this business card to this site and I am very excited for what this could lead to.  I plan to give these out at the various events I attend.